Online safety is of paramount importance in keeping children safe in a world of technological dominance. At Chellaston Infant School we strive to teach our children how to be safe online and identify who they can talk to if they are concerned or worried about something they see online.

Our online safety leaders in school are:

Lisa Turner-Rowe

Headteacher DSL

Rachel Leyland

Deputy Headteacher

Joe Jeffery

Computing Lead and Online Safety Coordinator

Lynn Hateley

Learning Mentor and Deputy Safeguarding Lead





Charlotte Whittingham

Safeguarding Governor

If you have any concerns about online safety, please speak to any member of staff who will be able to assist you further.

On this website you will find our online safety policy and resources that you can use to help keep your children safe when online.

CEOP website allows you to report concerns about abuse.
UK Safer Internet Centre website has lots of useful information and tips for keeping you child safe online.
Childnet website has lots of useful tips about current online safety topics.
NSPCC website has lots of useful information about online safety.
Keeping Children Safe in Education–2This is the key government guidance we follow that underpins the teaching of online safety.
Teaching Online Safety in Schools is the government guidance that informs teaching of online safety in school.
Education for a connected world is the scheme of work that we have adapted and teach.