Chellaston Junior School and Chellaston Infant School have a Joint Attendance Policy.

Our expectation is that pupils attend school everyday for every session. We believe that regular, uninterrupted attendance secures the best possible learning achievement for all our children and we are committed to working in partnership with families to achieve this. Schools are expected to monitor all pupils’ attendance records closely and to share these with Derby City Local Authority and with the next school when pupils transfer.

Please see our Attendance Guide For Parents and our Joint Attendance Policy for more information.

Should you wish to apply for a Leave of Absence for your child, please complete the appropriate form which can be downloaded below or a copy can be picked up from the office.  Please note, holidays will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances which apply.  The Local Authority will issue fines for all unauthorised holidays.

Lateness & unauthorised absences:

We send letters home when we have not received a reason for your child’s absence (which is classed as unauthorised), if your child often arrives to school late and/or if  their attendance is <95%. A text message is sent every morning if your child has not been registered at school with no reason received, prompting you to call school to provide a reason. If we have had no contact following this then a call to parents will be made, followed by calls to emergency contacts numbers on your child’s records if this is unsuccessful too.

Schools are expected to maintain a record of lateness. Lateness after your year group gate time is recorded as an unauthorised absence. Unauthorised absences and lates are checked by the Learning Mentor, Mrs Hateley and the Education Welfare Officer who will contact parents of children that have below 95% attendance.

We would appreciate you letting school know if your child will not be attending due to illness, medical appointment, lateness etc. before 9.00am. Please also make sure you order your child a school dinner (before 9.00am) if they are coming back to school before 11.30am.

Our answer phone is checked regularly so please leave a message if your call is not answered.

You have an important part to play! – Here are a few reminders and tips:

Starting at an early age, make sure that your child attends school regularly, arrives on time and keeps to the school rules.

  • Take an interest in your child and the work done at school.
  • If you are worried about your child – contact school.
  • Work together to help your child succeed.
  • If your child is absent for any reason contact the school and follow the reporting absent option – 01332 700298 or emailing
  • Let school know in advance if your child is going to be late or needs to be collected from school early.

Holidays during term time:

Amendments to the 2006 regulations that came in to force on 1st September 2013 state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Examples of exceptional circumstances would be:

  • Bereavement
  • Serious illness of close family member
  • Religious day

Holidays during term time are not considered an exceptional circumstance.

Parents who require a leave of absence for exceptional circumstances should complete the leave of absence form at least two weeks in advance. The reason for the request should be given in detail. Applications should be made before the leave is arranged as absences will not be granted retrospectively – evidence may be required. Select the link below to view/download our leave of absence form.

Leave Of Absence Form

If you have any attendance questions please contact Mrs Hateley, on 01332 700298 or emailing

If your child has unauthorised absences, the Education Welfare Officer must be notified by school.

Children come in to school for 190 days during the school year . This leaves 175 days for any holidays or appointments.

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