Safeguarding – Minimising the Risk of Peer Abuse

Minimising the risk of peer abuse

There is a whole school approach to preventing abuse between children, including child on child sexual violence and sexual harassment; this forms part of the whole school approach to safeguarding.

The school will seek to minimise the risk of peer on peer / child on child abuse by ensuring an approach that prepares learners for life in modern Britain. The establishment has a clear set of values and standards which are upheld and demonstrated throughout all aspects of school life.

The school provides a safe environment, promotes a culture of positive standards of behaviour, takes steps to address inappropriate behaviour, has effective systems in place where children can confidently raise concerns knowing they will be taken seriously and provides safeguarding through the curriculum via PHSE, online safety and other curriculum opportunities. This may include targeted work with children identified as vulnerable or being at risk and developing risk assessment and targeted work with those identified as being a potential risk to others.

All staff understand the importance of challenging inappropriate behaviours between peers that are abusive in nature. Downplaying certain behaviours will not be tolerated or passed off as ‘banter’, ‘just having a laugh’, ‘boys being boys’ or ‘part of growing up’. Staff will maintain an attitude ‘it could happen here’. All inappropriate behaviour will be addressed.

The setting deals with a wide continuum of children’s behaviour on a day to day basis and most cases will be dealt with via school based processes. These are outlined in the following policies:

  • Behaviour management, including bullying/ online bullying and prejudice-based bullying
  • Online safety
  • Children who runaway or go missing
  • Relationships education/ relationships and sex education with a regular focus on healthy and positive relationships.

The NSPCC and Brook Organisation tools support staff in recognising, identifying, understanding and responding appropriately to sexual behaviours in young people.

Themes within our PSHE Curriculum educate our children in their understanding of positive peer relationships.

More information can be found here on our page ‘Safeguarding – Principles in Our School Curriculum

Contact Us

Address: Chellaston Infant School
School Lane
DE73 6TA

Phone: 01332 700 298
