
Purchase of School Uniform

School Uniform

Parents can use Morleys Schoolwear to purchase all uniform online or in person at their Chaddesden store.

Alternative suppliers are – Uniform Direct or myclothing.com who supply the everything but the technical t-shirt.

The school also has a stock of second hand uniform and will run regular sales throughout the year – please contact us if you would like to purchase anything.

School Dress Code

High standards of dress are considered to be very important. School uniform is practical, allows for ease of recognition, avoids discrimination and adds to pupils’ sense of belonging and self-respect. The school colours are bottle green, grey, white and black.

Headbands, ribbons etc. are expected to be plain and in school colours of green or black

The following kit will be required for PE and Games lessons:

Green Technical t-shirt (available from Morleys Schoolwear on-line or in person at their Chaddesden store)

Black shorts

Black joggers


Black fleece top (optional)

Every child will need a  Drawstring PE bag for their kits. These can be purchased at the uniform stores or local supermarkets.  The bags will be kept in school and children will change for PE.  The will need a black sweatshirt or the school black fleece for PE during the winter months.

Please note that, for health and safety reasons, teachers are not permitted to teach PE to children who are wearing incorrect clothing or footwear. We have to be very strict about correct kit so that all children are safe.

Please note that uniform will not be provided as part of pupil premium.  This is in line with Chellaston Junior School.

Please mark all items of clothing with your child’s name.


Children should not wear makeup, nail varnish or jewellery.  Watches may be worn at parents’ own risk but must be removed for all sporting activities. Small stud-type earrings may be worn but the school will not accept responsibility where such items become damaged or lost or cause personal injury. Children must be able to take these out for themselves for PE activities for safety reasons.

Lost Property

Unmarked lost property is stored in school and disposed of at the end of each term. Parents wishing to locate lost items should report to Reception before or after school.

Contact Us

Address: Chellaston Infant School
School Lane
DE73 6TA

Phone: 01332 700 298

Email: admin@chellastoninfants.org