Frequently Asked Questions:-
Where can I find out school holiday dates?
Follow our link ‘Term Dates‘
… And how do I know when the schools INSET days are?
Follow our ‘Calendar‘ link to view INSET days and other school events
… I’d like to make a request for a leave of absence during term time
View our school prospectus or ‘Attendance Policy’ for information on leave of absences during term time and download a request form from the ‘Forms‘ page.
I’d like to see the latest newsletter
In the News menu, follow the newsletter link
I’d like to support the school as a volunteer, what should I do?
Maybe consider joining our PTFA, follow the PTFA link on the menu, or contact Mrs Leyland if you’d like to help as a volunteer in class or as a Reading Buddy
I need some help with ideas about how to support my child at home
Follow ‘Parents Links‘ on the menu to loads of useful websites.
I’d like some more information on what my child is learning this term
You will find this on the class newsletter at the start of each half term and there is information on the Curriculum page
Can my child wear earrings for school?
Yes, however earrings MUST be removed by a parent before school each PE day or if your child is able to do this themselves, please provide a small lidded pot for them to keep their earrings safely in school. If you do not remove your child’s earrings they will not be able to fully participate in their PE lesson and as a result will take a less active role which we would prefer not to happen. If you are considering allowing your child to have their ears pierced we would suggest waiting until the start of the summer holidays whereby they will have 6 weeks to heal and for them to practise removing them; enabling you to be able to follow our new policy.
What’s this months lunch menu?
Follow the ‘Lunch Menu‘ link on the menu
My child is poorly but I’m not sure how long I should keep them off school for?
Take a look at the guidance document on our ‘Illness‘ page
I’d like to make some positive comments about school, where can I do this?
We love to hear what we’re doing well, if you’d like to make comments you can contact the Head but also make comments on the Parent View website
I’d like to make a complaint
Our complaints policy within the ‘Policies‘ link explains how to go about making a complaint
How has school used its Pupil Premium funding this year?
Follow the ‘Pupil Premium‘ link on the main menu
I think my child may have additional educational needs what shall I do?
Firstly make an appointment to discuss your concerns with your child’s class teacher. You might also want to read our Special Educational Needs policy or our Gifted and Talented policy on our Policies page. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Barbara Webster.