Safeguarding – Advice for Parents

Please click the links below to read our safeguarding newsletters.

Safeguarding newsletter– Family Violence

Safeguarding newsletter – Anti-Bullying Week

Safeguarding newsletter – age-appropriate sexual behaviour

Safeguarding newsletter – bullying

Safeguarding newsletter – screen time

We’re all responsible for reporting concerns about a child’s welfare.

How to get in touch with us:

You can use the email to report concerns or make enquiries around the safeguarding at our school. This email is monitored periodically during school holidays; we would therefore suggest that urgent concerns are directed to Derby City Council Social Care in the following way

Please follow the link here to read our school Safeguarding Policy – Child Protection And Safeguarding Policy 2021

The NSPCC has an excellent website that can support you in keeping your own child safe or can offer advice if you have growing concerns around the care of children you know or are living close by.

If you are at all concerned that a child may be in immediate danger you should not hesitate in contacting the Police on 999 or talking to an NSPCC advisor on 0808 800 5000. If you witness something that worries you please be proactive in getting support.

Click the titles below to be taken to materials that will support you with the following topics:

What to do if you suspect abuse

Talking about difficult topics

Staying safe online and on mobile

Online games: helping children to play safe

PANTS (The Underwear Rule)

Keeping children safe away from home

Separation, divorce and contact

The National Online Safety website has some extremely helpful parent guides available here. A selection of infant age guides are below.

Contact Us

Address: Chellaston Infant School
School Lane
DE73 6TA

Phone: 01332 700 298
