Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Please see our parent leaflet below which gives you information on commonly asked questions.


Our formal School Information Report is below this.

SEND in our school

School Information Report 2024 25

Our school Special Educational Needs & Disability Co-ordinator for Chellaston Infant and Junior Schools (SENDCO) is:

Mrs Ceri Holmes

Contactable on c.holmes@chellastonjuniors.org

Links to SEND Local Offer

The Local Offer is in place to provide support, guidance and information for children, young people and their families with special educational needs and disabilities from 0 to 25 years old.

You will find services in your local area and further afield and information on what support is available to support you and your family.

The Local Offer is split into different topics like Early Years, Education and Learning, Preparing for Adulthood and Leisure or Activities. You will also be presented with information on the different plans available and what support is available.

Derby City Local Offer

Derbyshire Local Offer

Proud partners and signed up to the Derby Inclusion Charter

Contact Us

Address: Chellaston Infant School
School Lane
DE73 6TA

Phone: 01332 700 298

Email: admin@chellastoninfants.org